We’ve tried twice before to land at Fenland Airfield and failed on both occasions. The first time was a very busy day with lots of traffic arriving. After a bounced landing and go-around we decided it was safer to head elsewhere. The second time was down to bad weather.
This time we made it though! A nice flying day with good weather all the way.
Outbound route
We were heading south expecting to land on runway 26 given the wind, but after raising Fenland on the radio we routed for a left-hand circuit for 36.
Fenland Airfield
Fenland gets good reviews for its airfield cafe. Unfortunately it was closed when we visited – not even a coffee to be had.
Off to Wickenby
In desperate need of refreshment we decided to stop off at Wickenby Airfield on the way home.
Heading north through Coningsby’s airspace we routed straight in to runway 33.
Homeward bound
The final leg took us east to Strubby for a nicely executed crosswind landing on 26.